Medbh mcguckian biography of george

“‘[I]n danger / of becoming a poetess’: Poetry as Trope in the Work of Medbh McGuckian” by Carrie Shipers. Michigan Feminist Studies. 2009.

She was born the third of six children as Maeve McCaughan to Hugh and Margaret McCaughan in North Belfast.

medbh mcguckian biography of george

Medbh mcguckian biography of george

Medbh McGuckian (born Maeve McCaughan on 12 August ) is one of the most prominent members of the second generation of poets who emerged from Northern Ireland during the .

“Medbh McGuckian on Sex Appeal and Poetry”by Kiran Acharya. Culture Northern Ireland. 16 September 2011.

She is the author of over 20 poetry collections including most recently Love, The Magician (), Blaris Moor (), The High Caul Cap (), and The Currach Requires No Harbours ().Missing: george.

Interviewwith Heidi Lynn Staples. The Argotist Online. 2004.
Medbh McGuckian Biography Medbh McGuckian was born in to Catholic parents in Belfast, Northern Ireland.